Letters and comments from outreach

DK, on behalf of the campaigns on this websire, and XR, with a colleague meet the public on occasions, eg Lions day Rustingon 8.7.23. This page has letters linked to our campaign and comments from members of the public we have met.

20mph speed limits


Dear Sir

The debate new electric versus older petrol cars will continue (Guardian editiorial 6.7.23). But the fact remains too much and too fast traffic, everyone agrees, is harmful.

The World Health Organization (and '20mph speed limits' in the UK) 20 mph recommends limits, as they help the entire community in many ways. Benefits include increased safety for cyclists and pedestrians, more community involvement, less crime and much better physical and mental health. Cycling and walking increases, children are more independent, there is less traffic so better bus flow, and there is a 12% reduction in fuel consumption and pollution and CO2. Research has proven journey times are not increased, as most delays are at junctions and with 20 limits there is less stopping and starting. It is very popular, 80% of people want slow speeds. It is a step towards Net Zero, and 50 in 10, that is 50% cycling in 10 years.

It is disappointing that neither our current government nor labour opposition favour legislation for 20 mph limits to cover urban areas across the UK (areas as opposed to individual streets). Instead they only allow local implementation, which here is West Sussex and Littlehampton is impossible, with implacable opposition from the County Council. Further steps to reach Net Zero would include 50% cycling in urban areas, as in many parts of Europe, but this is a pipe dream.

We are doomed to face a car future and ever hotter planet.

davidkinshuckATlive.co.uk, Local rep for 20mph speed limits

How do you think the the government is doing?

70% poor

15% in between

10% terrible

5% did not engage

What should the government do?

Suggestions added to government page


I hope all is well. I have been campaigning as below, but would appreciate some assistance. All links can be obtained here http://www.carbonfootprintlabelling.org.uk

campaign aim door to door support facebook page petition 38 degrees DK action
20mph speed limits to help communities thrive 60%+ y y sign a letter to mp that I post
50 in 10 40% cycling in 10years...a cycling network (national and local) safe for 11 year old-like cycling experience 60%+ y y sign a letter to mp that I post
    60%+ y y sign a letter to mp that I post
carbon footprint labelling on all goods and services, nudging decision making   n y  


I thnk the nest step is

  1. Publicity, that is conctacting media with a 1 line summary each week, Judy could you help?
  2. Political action locally, with a 1 line summary each week, Nick could you help?
  3. I need more help with canvassing, perhaps targeting organisations for support, perhaps house to house, and would like to produce a monthly newsletter..10 lines or so.


today 29.9.23

Dear Sir

Once again in today's Today program you have reviewed 20mph limits , and

It would be helpful if you presenters, at each an every interview, considers the effect on any idea on children and young people, who needs are often disregarded.