littlehamptonareaclimateactiongroup @

References for 20mph speed limits (costed for each person & Littlehampton)

WHO and UN etc


  1. 20mph limits reduce serious injury and deaths by 36%, and minor injury by 25%, 2015 wales , (London figures)
  2. Road traffic accidents cost (UK cost £3.5b=) £60/person/year, reduces by a third so saving = £20/person/year here and 2022
  3. Summary 2019 Public health improves 2016
  4. older people are much more prone to injury


  1. National surveys
  3. local street surveys daily April 2023 (Personal)
  4. results Active Travel in Arun Consultation Feedback Report 2020 finds 5% cycling rates; and more cycling routes are requested
  5. In our Littlehampton surveys, larger homes (often on cul-de-sacs) have slow speeds outside their home (2022), but only 50% of these respondents want slower speeds further away. Yet on some busy roads, with small homes, nearly 100% want slower speeds on their street and beyond. Car speeds are thus a matter of social inequality "Roadway environment can explain a substantial portion of the excess rate of road traffic injuries in the poorest urban areas."

acceptance of 20mph limits

benefits overall

big cars cause more injury

cars go ever faster

cycling rates



mental health


  1. Noise contributes to ill health Birmingham. 20mph limits reduce noise by 50%/3db
  2. World Health Organization 2024 Causes heart problems

economic benefits

  1. Value-of-cycling.pdf ...cycling adds value to the local community
  2. ~2014
  3. local spending increases

journey times

particulate pollution

  1. traffic flows more smoothly with less stopping and starting and therefore less pollution
  2. Particulate Matter Is a Surprisingly Common Contributor to Disease/ and many others
  3. China
  4. 50% particulate air pollution is due to traffic, (about 50% log burning stoves) and pollution accounts for 8% of all deaths, so traffic contributes to 4% of deaths in Littlehampton.

traffic levels

stress of none drivers and drivers increase with high traffic speeds

  1. higher levels of stress were generally associated with walking in near to collector and arterial streets
  2. driving increases stress
  3. 1/3 of UK children anxious & miss school

Aruns Carbon Neutral Strategy

accurate climate information


  1. domestic violence increases 10% in high traffic areas. Domestic violence/crime costs £1000/year/person in UK. £32m for Littlehampton
  2. adjusting for Littlehampton, and the fact that ‘high traffic’ does not directly compare to ‘low speeds' or '20mph’, reducing speeds would be expected to reduce street crime and crime generally a little, perhaps 5%, =£50/person/year = £1.5m/year for Littlehampton

truancy and educational achievement

  1. Transportation and Stress: The academic literature indicates that the way in which students arrive at school influences their health, behaviour, and school performance. 2020
  2. higher levels of traffic pollution leads to behavioural and academic problems. (same reference)
  3. Stress (increased with high speed driving as above) reduces academic performance (jedfoundation)
  4. It is difficult to put a financial cost of this. But the personal cost will result in a generally lower standard of education which will result in higher unemployment and social derivation.

walkable cities etc

induced demand

more roads or wider roads increase congestion

50 in 10: (50% cycling in 10 years) cost of a cycling network

50 in 10: road engineering

20mph speeds are a step towards a cycling network

  1. Road engineering is needed to increase cycling substantially
  2. Cycling rates in Europe
  3. cycling cities ,

Appendix..objections listed in Welsh survey


Makes journey times longer


Increases congestion


Would annoy drivers


Would make no difference to cyclists' safety


Might be ignored by many drivers


Would make no difference to pedestrians' safety


Increases pollution


Makes the quality of life worse


Might not be policed and enforced effectively
